philocalist (n.) a lover of beauty; someone who finds and appreciates beauty in all things.


Alexus Kub is a Michigan based freelance (beginner) photographer. Her passion for capturing moments + memories for others drives her creativity. Alexus believes photos speak the loudest and hold the most power in emotion, beauty, and time. She’s definitely a Philocalist.

About Alexus


Family is everything, and family is forever.

(Feat. My 3 amazing boys ♡ )

eNGAGEMENTS/special events

Who wouldn’t want to profess their eternal and vibrant love to the universe?! For someone who supports all love, the opportunity to freeze time in a single snap-shot almost feels like a super power for me. To give and provide others with a solid, sentimental piece of art that reflects nothing but a blissful memory, is a blessing from me to you.

(Feat. My 2 wonderful friends! ❀)


Photos are expressive. Be clear, be confident, and don’t overthink it! The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and so will your endless gratitude. My goal is to make you feel the most comfortable, reliant, and most importantly FREE.